Adagio waltz IV choreo: Richard Lamberty & Alise Halbert Intro - OP FC DLC wait 2 meas;; Apt, Pt; Tog, Tch; Part A - CP DLC 2 L trn;; Trn L Right Chasse; Op Imp; Sync Vine; Fwd Hover to BJO; Bk Whisk; PU, W Lk; Op Telemark; Op Nat; Tipple Chasse & Pivot; Spin Trn; Box Fin (DLC); Op Telemark; Chasse to BJO; Man; Part B - CP RLOD Spin Trn; Box Fin (DLC); Double Rev Spin; Drag Hesitation; Bk Lks; Op Imp; Chasse to BJO; Man; Break - CP RLOD Op imp; PU, W Lk; Part B MOD - CP RLOD Spin Trn; Box Fin (DLC); Double Rev Spin; Drag Hesitation in 6;; Bk Lks; Op Imp; Chasse to BJO; Man; Ending - CP RLOD Op Imp; Fwd Hover to BJO; Bk Whisk; Thru, Apt, Pt; Intro - A B - Break - A B - Bmod - End