AMRILLO BY MORNING foxtrot IV Intro - CP/LOD Wait 2; St, tch L & R; walk 2; 3 diamond turns;;; (Bjo/LOD) bk,-,sd,cl; (CP/LOD) dip bk, rec; Part A - CP/LOD three step; feather; 2 L-turns (to FC);; hover to SCP; man, sd, cl; overspin turn to fcWall; 1/2 fox box bk; (to SCP) walk 2; run 3; pickup in 3; hitch 4; dip bk, rec; fox box;; drag hesitation (to BJO/RLOD); impetus turn to SCP; weave in 6 (to SCP);; pickup, sd, cl; End - CP/LOD three step fwd, twice;; fox box;; 3 diamond turns (BJO/LOD);;; bk,-, sd, cl;; St, tch L & R; ap, pt; Intro - A A A - End