BAHAMA MAMA chacha IV+2+1 Intro : VARS/WALL, both L ft free Wait 2;; Marchessi;; Basic;; W lariet to LH *;; Patty cake; Dosido to RH *;; Patty cake; Dosido to LH *;; Patty cake, twice (W trans);; Part A : BFLY/WALL Fwd basic; Fan (M fc W); NY, W wrap; Cucaracha; Cucaracha, W unwrap; Wk 2 & cha; NY; Undrm trn; Part B : LOP FCG/COH Op hip twist; Fan; Alemana;; Op break; Crab wk with cuban brk; Dbl cuban; Spot trn; Inter : SCP/LOD Pretzel trn;;; End : BFLY/WALL Fwd basic, W wrap; Bk basic; Press & Hip bumps; Intro - A B - A - Inter - A B - A - End