BLACK VELVET chacha III+2 Ed & Gloria Kilner (1990) Intro - OP FCG wait 4 qu pickup notes hip rock 8;; rk fwd & rec, lunge sd & rec; spot trn in 4; Part A full basic;; shoulder to shoulder to R hnd Star; aida to L Hnd star; 1/2 basic bk; charge trn to fc LOD & fwd cha; swivel 2 & fwd cha; swivel 2 & fwd cha; sliding doors;; rk apt & rec, fwd cha to fc; 1/2 basic bk; Part B open break; spot trn; hand to hand, twice;; back break to OP; swivel 2 & fwd cha; basketball trn; 2 sl sd, cl's; Inter hip rock 4; Part C full basic;; prog rk 8;; 1/2 basic; whip to LOP; W rolls across, fwd cha; step fwd & fan to BFLY; Part D 1/2 basic; alemana trn; lariat trn;; new yorker, twice;; Rev Underarm trn; fence line; End open break; spot trn; hand to hand; fwd, fan to fc{no weight}, hold; Intro - A B - Inter - A B - Inter - C - D - B - End