HUMAN NATURE Richard E. Lamberty Two Step Phase III + some unphased material in the phase III range. Released: December 1, 2010 Introduction - LOP fc LOD, lead hands joined and lead feet free Wait;; Lace Across;; Twirl; Side TwoStep to RLOD & LOD;; Man's Twirl; Part A Travelling Doors;;;; Open Vine 4;; Twirl Vine To Maneuver;; Two Turning Two Steps;; Progressive Scissors;; Hitch; Hitch/Scissors to SCP; Basketball Turn;; fc LOD Part B Apart, -, Touch, -; Woman's Head Loop; Unwrap; Balance Together; Apart, -, Touch, -; Man's Head Loop; Unwrap; Balance Together to Face; (*) Strolling Vine;;;; Lady's Twirl Strolling Vine;; Man's Roll Strolling Vine;; Part C Travelling Balances;;;; Sliding Doors;;;; Lace Up to FC;;;; Twirl; Side TwoStep to RLOD & LOD;; Man's Twirl; Ending Apart, -, Point, - Intro - A - A B - A B C - A B - B*(1-8) - End