LET ME SHOW YOU HOW jive V Ken & Irene Slater (1990) Intro - Bfly Wait 2 Meas;; 4 point Steps;; Part A - SCP Fallaway rock, Jive Walks;;; Swivel 4; Throwaway; L to R, American Spin;;; Stop & Go, Twice;;;; Part B - CP M fcg Wall Basic Rock, Fallaway Throwaway to R handshake;;; Triple Wheel 3 (fc COH), Change Hands Beh the Bk;;;; Windmill, Twice;;; Double rocks; Chasse L & R; Part C - SCP Pretzel Trn, Double Rock Fwd, Unwind the Pretzel, REPEAT;;;; ;;; Change Hands Beh the Bk, Spanish Arms;;;(Wall) Link To Whip Turn;;(Wall) End - CP M fcg Wall Basic Rock, Fallaway Throwaway;;; Kick, ball/change twice; Chicken Walk {2 Slow, 4 Qk};; Link rock, Pretzel Turn;;; Double rock Fwd; Unwind the Pretzel; Pretzel turn, Double rock Fwd, Unwind the Pretzel, Double rock, open break one step and Pt to ptr, hands overhead & hold;;;;; Intro - A B C - B C - A - End