SWEET CAROLINE TS - II choreo: Bob & Joyce Apostal Intro - OP/LOD Wait 2;; vine 3 apt & tog;; (BFLY) 2 sd tchs; apt pt; tog tch; (SCP) Part A - SCP 2 fwd 2s;; lace up;;;; (BFLY) vine 8;; 2 fwd 2s;; lace up;;;; (BFLY) vine 8;; (CP) Part B - CP/WL box;; rev box;; scis to SCAR/BJO;; dbl hitch to fc;; 2 trn 2s;; (keep W in front) Part C - CP/LOD prog scis;; 2 fwd lks; wk & fc; 2 trn 2s;; (keep W in front) prog scis;; 2 fwd lks; wk & fc; 2 trn 2s;; (SCP) Inter - SCP 2 fwd 2s;; vine 3 apt & tog;; (BFLY) 2 sd tchs; apt pt; PU & tch; End - SCP apt pt; I - A B C - A B C - Inter - C - End