| Schedule 2023/24 | Basic Info | Program


Venue: Czech Republic
Cuers: Rosta and guests ...
Registration: web page form for particular weekend
Info: Michal Antonin - michal (at) dostavnik.com - +420 602 175 450
Rosta Kucera - kuceraro (at) seznam.cz - +420 608 626 350
Sona Duskova - sona (at) dostavnik.com - +420 775 303 603
Food: in our unforgettable buffet - hot and cold drinks in great asssortment, homemade cakes, bread with homemade spread, sweets...
lunch and supper on the spot - necessary to order by preregistration
own sources - we are sure that it is not necessary, we have our buffet...
Accommodation: we provide rooms for sleeping in your own sleeping bags and mat, or you can find some private room or hotel nearby (couple of tips provided on the web page for particular course)


Badge price, deadline for preregistration and further details on flyer for particular weekend.

Tyto stránky byly vytvořeny zejména s pomocí informací ze stránek
www.jakpsatweb.cz, http://tvorba-webu.zdarek.com a www.oswd.org