Vysvětlivky / Explanation:
Popisy figur
3.10. |
(waltz) box ;; progressive (waltz) box ;; left turning box ;;;; |
(full) (cha-cha) basic ;; half basic forward ; underarm turn ; new yorker ; spot turn ; (step) apart & point ; together & touch ; |
10.10. |
(waltz) box ;; progressive (waltz) box ;; left turning (waltz) box ;;;; (step) apart & point ; together & touch ; |
(full) (cha-cha) basic ;; new yorker ; fence line ; |
17.10. |
balance L & R ;; vine 3 ; thru, face, close ; vine 3 ; pick up, side, close ; kombinace: box ;; progressive box ;; left turning box ;;;; |
spot turn ; half basic forward ; underarm turn ; kombinace: full basic ;; half basic ; underarm turn ; new yorker 3x ;;; spot turn ; |
24.10. | reverse underarm turn ; |
two side twosteps ;; two forward twosteps ;; box ;; circle away & together ;; |
31.10. |
half basic forward ; whip lady across (back) ; (lze zatančit v kombinaci probrané dříve místo full basic) |
two turning twosteps ;; face to face ; back to back ; |
7.11. |
roll 3 ; thru face close ; canter ; waltz away ; waltz together ; |
viz cha-cha | |||||||
14.11. |
twirl vine ; thru face close ; reverse box ; |
double hitch ; | |||||||
21.11. |
cucaracha ; hand to hand ; |
walk 4 ;; walk 2 ; |
cucaracha ; hand to hand ; |
28.11. |
twinkle thru ; waltz away; twinkle thru 2x;; thru face close; |
lariat ;; shoulder to shoulder ; half basic back ; (= back basic;) |
lace up ;;;; |
lariat ;; shoulder to shoulder ; half basic back ; (= back basic;) |
11.12. |
twirl 2 ; polka: točení doprava uzavřená promenáda pomalé podtáčení dámy |
18.12. |
back break to OP ; walk 2 and forward cha ; circle cha ;; |
reverse box ;; |
back break to OP ; progressive walk 3; circle away and together ;; |
26.12. 2.1. |
9.1. | chase ;;;; | chase ;;;; |
walk 2 ; (SS) rock turn ; (QQS) back corte ; (QQS) |
16.1. |
link ,, (QQ) closed promenade ;,, (SQQS) |
valčík doprava | |||||||
23.1. | vine 8 ;;;; |
basic rock ;,, change hands behind back ;,, change place right to left ;,, |
30.1. | solo turn in 6 ;; | sliding doors ;; | sliding doors ;; | ||||||
6.2. |
maneuver ; 2 right turns ;; |
crab walks ;; | crab walks ;; | ||||||
13.2. | JARNÍ PRÁZDNINY | ||||||||
20.2. | opakování | ||||||||
27.2. | basketball turn ;; |
kombinace: cucaracha left ; fence line to line; cucaracha right ; fence line to reverse; fence line to reverse ; cucaracha left; atd. |
change places left to right ;,, | ||||||
6.3. |
aida ; switch (cross) ; |
travelling box ;;;; circle away in 2 2steps ;; together in 2 2steps ;; |
aida ; switch (cross) ; |
13.3. | open vine 4 ;; |
mambo basic ;; new yorker ; hand to hand ; fence line ; aida ; switch rock ; cross body ;; |
20.3. |
half basic ; fan ; alemana ;; |
half basic ; fan ; alemana ;; |
27.3. | two forward waltzes ;; | quarter turns ;;; | |||||||
3.4. | NETANCUJE SE | ||||||||
10.4. | chase peek-a-boo ;;;; |
vine 3 ; wrap (in 3) ; unwrap ; change sides (in 3) ; |
chase peek-a-boo ;;;; | stop & go ;; | |||||
17.4. |
two backward waltzes ;; dip back, recover |
scisors thru ; strut together in 4 ;; |
shoulder shove ;,, | ||||||
24.4. | vine 6 ;; |
fallaway rock ;,, R turning fallaway rock ;,, |
pivot 2, side, close ;,, | ||||||
1.5. | Svátek práce | ||||||||
8.5. | svátek | ||||||||
15.5. |
two backward waltzes ;; vine 6 ;; |
scisors thru ; open vine 4 ;; |
half basic ; fan ; alemana ;; chase peek-a-boo ;;;; |
shoulder shove ;,, stop & go ;; |
22.5. | hockey stick ;; |
vine 3 ; wrap in 3 ; unwrap ; change sides in 3 ; side, draw, close ; |
hockey stick ;; | pretzel turn ;;; | |||||
29.5. | travelin doors ;; | traveling doors ;; | |||||||
5.6. | side walks ;; | side walks ;; | american spin ;,, | side walks ;; | pivot 2; side, close, |