Sukiyaki - twostep
Tammy - waltz
The lion sleeps tonight - jive
- flicks into breaks
Serenade 4 U (part A) - waltz
I can see clearly now - cha-cha
Abraca cha - cha-cha
Popcorn tango - tango
I cna't stop loving you - rumba
I keep puting - twostep
I'm believer - twostep
Baby come to me - twostep
Sukiyaki - twostep
- whaletail
- side 2step; charge trn out; side 2step; charge trn out;
- (BJO) forward hitch; hitch/scisors to SCP;
Ven conmigo - cha-cha
Lasting love - foxtrot
Amarilo by morning - foxtrot
Popcorn tango
I swear - rumba
Tammy - waltz
All shook up- twostep
Nobody's angel - rumba
Aint she sweet - twostep
Hey daddy - cha-cha
You make my pants - jive
The lion sleeps tonight - jive
Alibis 3 - waltz
Tammy's waltz - waltz
Some day soon - rumba
I can see clearly now - cha-cha
Serenade 4 U (part A) - waltz
Baby come back to me - twostep
- stroling vine
Mariela - cha-cha
- stroling vine
Serenade 4U (part A) - waltz
Baby Come Back to me - twostep
- stroling vine
Aint She Sweet - twostep
Nobodys Angel - rumba
Some Day Soon - rumba
Tammy's Waltz - waltz
I Can See Clearly Now - cha-cha
Lasting love - foxtrot
Georgy Girl - twostep
Mariella - cha-cha
- stroling vine
Ven Conmigo - cha-cha
Yo mama - jive
Nikdo nepiel
Hush - twostep
Baby Come Back To Me - twostep
Hey Daddy - cha-cha
Lasting love - foxtrot
Serenade 4U - waltz
- Hover Telemark; Open Natural; Open Impetus; Pickup, Lady Lock;
- Open Telemark; Chasse to Banjo; Maneuveur; Hesitation Change;
- 1 Left Turn; Hover Corte; Back Whisk; Pickup, Lady Lock;
- double reverse spin (kroky, princip)
Some day soon - rumba
Baby Come Back To Me
I Can See Clearly Now
Hey Daddy
I swear
Lasting love
Serenade 4U
- Hover Telemark; Open Natural; Open Impetus; Pickup, Lady Lock;
- Open Telemark; Chasse to Banjo; Maneuveur; Hesitation Change;
- 1 Left Turn; Hover Corte; Back Whisk; Pickup, Lady Lock;
Some day soon - rumba
I swear - rumba
- rock side, recover, cross ; both unvined & step side ; fence line ;
- spiral
Por amor
Hush - twostep
Save the last dance for me - twostep
Ven conmigo (part A, B, C, D) - cha-cha
Serenade 4 U - waltz
Lollipopp - twostep
Baby come back to me - twostep
Hey daddy- cha-cha
Ven conmigo (part B - 2. st) - cha-ca
- fence line ; time & spot to neck wrap ; spot turn (unwrap) ;
double cuban break ; 1/2 basic ; dounle cuban break ;
cross body ;;
Amarillo by morning - foxtrot
I want a quickstep
Lollipopp -twostep
Baby come back to me - twostep
- scoot 4 ;
- 2 forward 2steps;; scisors to SCAR; scisors to BJO;;
check it, fishtail; walk & face; 2 tering 2steps;;
- strolling vine ;;;;
I can see clearly now - cha-cha
Ven conmigo (part B - 1. st) - cha-cha
- back shoulder to shoulder
- cross body to R hand shake (face COH) ;; open break to Varsoviane ;
wheel 2 & cha to face Wall ;; sweetheart to fan ; hockey stick ;;
I'll put you together again - waltz (probrat!)
Amarilo by morning - foxtrot
Heaven in my woman's eyes - twostep
I want a quickstep - quickstep
Hush - twostep
Por amor - rumba
I'll put you together again - waltz
Lasting love - foxtrot
Heaven in my women's eyes - twostep
I want a quickstep - quickstep
Ven conmigo - cha-cha
Lollipop - twostep
Hush - twostep
Everyday - twostep
Tammy - waltz
I'll put you together again - waltz
- weave 6 ;
Hey Daddy - cha-cha
Por Amor - rumba
I swear - rumba
Lasting love - foxtrot
C'est si bon - foxtrot
Just a tango - tango
I want a quickstep - quickstep
Lollipop - twostep
Everyday - twostep
Hey daddy - cha-cha
Tammy - waltz
I'll put you together again - waltz
Nobody's angel - rumba
Por amor - rumba
Lasting love - foxtrot
C'est si bon - foxtrot
Rock & roll party queen - jive
Nobody's angel - rumba
I swear - rumba
Amarilo by morning - foxtrot
C'est si bon - foxtrot
I'll put you together again - waltz
- hover to SCP ; thru to hinge ; recover hover to SCP ;
Lollipop - twostep
I can see clearly now - cha-cha
Yo mama - jive
Hush little baby - jive
Hush - twostep
Hey daddy - cha-cha
Amarilo by morning - foxtrot
C'est si bon - foxtrot
Everyday - twostep
I swear - rumba
Nobody's angel - rumba
I'll put you together again - waltz
Yo mama - jive
Amarilo by morning - foxtrot
- threestep ; feather ;
- drag hesitation
Rock and roll party queen - jive
Hey daddy - cha-cha
I can see clearly now
Lollipop - twostep
Some day soon - rumba
I'll put you together again - waltz
Veernek - twostep
Everyday - twostep
I swear - rumba
I can see clearly now - cha-cha
Hush - twostep
I'll put you together again - waltz
Hey daddy - cha-cha
Lasting love - foxtrot
Just a tango - tango
Yo mama - jive
Georgy girl - twostep
Save the last dance for me - foxtrot
Veernek - twostep
waltz - I'll put you together again
- Open Impetus; Open Telemark; Weave 6;;
- Hover Fallaway; Slip Pivot to BJO;
- Dip Back; Pivot 3; Twisty Vine 3; PU;
Lollipopp - twostep
Georgy girl - twostep
Everyday - twostep
I can see clearly now - cha-cha
Some day soon - rumba
I swear - rumba
Easy come easy go - rumba
Lollipop - twostep
- (solo) L turning box ;;;;
Georgy girl - twostep
Hey daddy - cha-cha
I can see clearly now - cha-cha
Tammy - waltz
- thru chasse to SCP ; thru chasse to BJO ;
- open telemark ;
Hush little baby - jive
Yo mama - jive
Some day soon - rumba
I swear - rumba
Lasting love - foxtrot
Save the last dance for me - foxtrot
The poet and I - waltz
I can't stop loving you - rumba
Gabriellas sang - bolero
Nikdo nepiel
One L turn; hover corte; back whisk; PU/Lady lock;
double reverse spin; turn L, side & hold; fallaway ronde & slip; change of direction;
Serenade for U - druh st partu A - z nalejvrny
hover telemark; open natural; open impetus; PU/Lady lock;
open telemark; thru chasse (BJO); maneuver; hesitation change;
Serenade for U - prvn st partu A - z nalejvrny
3 alemanas ;;;;
three threes ;;;;
It's so easy - cha-cha
Easy come easy go - rumba
Ain't she sweet - 2step
Lollipop - twostep
Hey daddy - cha-cha
Lasting love - foxtrot
- three step ; feather ;
The way to your heart - twostep
- charge turn in; forward 2s; charge turn in; forward 2s;
- 2 forward locks;
- forward hitch; hitch/scisors;
- hitch apart; scisors thru;
Georgy girl - twostep
Next door to an angel - jive
Hush little baby - jive
Lollipop - twostep
Hey daddy cha - cha-cha
Tammy - waltz
- open impetus ;
- hover to sCP ; fwd hover to BJO ; bk hover to SCP ;
Some day soon - rumba
Joe le taxi - rumba
Lasting love - foxtrot
lemon tree - twostep
Just a tango - tango
I swear - rumba
(I want a quickstep - quickstep)
I can see clearly now - cha-cha
Pearly shells - twostep
It's so easy cha - cha-cha
Could I have this dance - waltz
Stand by me - rumba
Sttn svtek
Georgy girl - twostep
- vine 3 apart; vine 3 together;
It's so easy cha - cha-cha
Could I have this dance - waltz
Lollipop - twostep
- L turning twostep box ;;;;
- solo L turning twostep box ;;;;
- lunge & twist ; behind, side, thru ;
Gazpacho cha - cha-cha
Hey daddy cha - cha-cha
- hockeystick to M fc RLOD;;
rock fwd, rec, triple cha back;; whip to triple cha forward;;
alemana to fc Wall;;
- break back, recover, point; 2x; (qqs)
- front vine 4(6)
Stand by me - rumba
Next door to an angel - jive
Save the last dance for me - foxtrot
Just a tango - tango
(Green peppers - mambo - nelo)
(Answer me - waltz)
Lemon three - twostep
- vine 4 to maneuver ; pivot 2 ;
It's so easy cha - cha-cha
Hush little baby - jive
- hover to SCP ; fwd hover to BJO ; bk hover to SCP ; thru face close ;
- open impetus ;
Lemon tree - twostep
It's so easy cha - cha-cha
Hush little baby - jive
The poet and I - waltz
- tamara ;;;;
- open impetus ;
Stand by me - rumba
Hey daddy - cha-cha
Just a tango - tango
Mariela - cha-cha
I want a quickstep - quickstep
Lollipop - twostep
Could I have this dance - waltz
Gazpacho cha - cha-cha
Some day soon - rumba
It's so easy cha - cha-cha
- triple cha
- back break to triple cha forward; rock recover to triple cha back;
rock recover circle cha;;
- hockey stickt with triple cha;;
Hush little baby - jive
- kick ball change
Four walls - waltz
Today - waltz
- hover to SCP; forward hover to BJO; back hover to SCP; thru face close;
Pearly shells - twostep
Save the last dance for me - foxtrot
I swear - rumba
Just a tango - tango
I can see clearly now - cha-cha
Could I have this dance - waltz
Some day soon - rumba
Stand by me - rumba
Save teh last dance for me - foxtrot
Lasting love - foxtrot
Gazpacho cha - cha-cha
Hush little baby - jive
- kick ball change
It's so easy cha - cha-cha
Lemon three - twostep
Pearly shells - twostep
Hey daddy cha - cha-cha
Just a tango - tango
waltz (open impetus, weave 6, chasse, forward forward/lock forward)
I swear - rumba
Some day soon - rumba
Stand by me - rumba
Could I have this dance - waltz
I can see clearly now - cha-cha
Next door to an angel - jive
Just a tango - tango
Lasting love - foxtrot
(The best you can - jive)
Rozcvika po przdninch:
The pushbike song - twostep
Pearly shells - twostep
Lemon tree - twostep
Hey daddy - cha-cha
I can see clearly now - cha-cha
Abraca cha - cha-cha
It's so easy cha - cha-cha
Tammy - waltz
Could I have this dance - waltz
I swear - rumba
Joe le taxi - rumba
Next door to an angel - jive
I want a quickstep - quickstep
Just a tango - tango
Lasting love - foxtrot
Green peppers - mambo