- waltz away ; waltz together ;
- canter ;
- balance L & R ;;
- vine 8 ;
- side, draw, close ;
- hand to hand ;
- circle cha ;;
- walk 2, forward cha ;
Cha ching - cha-cha
Lasting love - foxtrot
Lemon tree - twostep
Netančí se - svátky
- vien 3 ; thru, face, close ;
- pick up ;
- 2 left turns ;;
- lariat ;;
- twirl 2 ;
- walk 2 ;
Rhytm of the rain - cha-cha
Answer me - waltz
Lollipopp - twostep
Breaking up jive - jive
Kokomo - rumba
- double hitch ;;
- open vine 4 ;;
- progressive waltz box ;;
- cucaracha ;
- shoulder to shoulder ;
Cha-ching - cha-cha
Movie ster - cha-cha
Netančí se - VELIKONOCE
- two turning twosteps ;;
- reverse box ;;
- fence line ;
- whip lady across ;
- box ;;
- left turning box ;;;;
Answer me - waltz
Foolish heart - waltz
Breaking up jive - jive
Callendar girl - jive
Moves like Jegger - cha-cha
- two forward twosteps ;;
- two side twosteps ;;
- box ;;
- basick ;;
- new york ;
- half basic ;
- underarm turn ;
- spot turn ;
Sharks - cha-cha
California dreaming - cha-cha + foxtrot
Answer me - waltz
Cha ching - cha-cha
Sharks - cha-cha (z nalejvárny)
Answer me - waltz
Lasting love - foxtrot
California dreaming - cha-cha + foxtrot
All Shook Up - 2step
Lollipopp - 2step
Foolish heart - waltz
Answer me - waltz
(nová verze)
Cha hing - cha-cha
It's so easy cha - chacha
Moves like Jagger - cha-cha
Por amor - rumba
Kokomo 4 - ru
NETANČÍME kvůli nemoci
Moves like Jagger - cha-cha
Kokomo 4 - rumba
Por amor - rumba
I want a quickstep - quickstep
Quick and easy - quickstep
Answer me - waltz
Foolish heart - waltz
Answer me - waltz
Rhytm of the rain - cha-cha
Moves like Jagger - cha-cha
Foolish heart - waltz
Breaking up jive - jive
Calendar girl - jive
Kokomo 4 - rumba
Easy come, easy go - rumba
Answer me - waltz
Breaking up jive - jive
Calendar girl - jive
Moves like Jagger - cha-cha
Kokomo 4 - rumba
Amarilo by morning - foxtrot
three step; feather;
Zrušeno pro nemoc
Rhytm of the rain - cha-cha
Four walls - waltz
Answer me - waltz
Amarilo by morning - foxtrot
three step; feather; 2 L-turns (to Fc Wall);;
hover to SCP; man, sd, cl;
spin turn; 1/2 fox box bk (fc LOD);
Breaking up jive - jive
Calendar girl - jive
I want a quickstep - quickstep
Hot stuff - cha-cha
Four walls - waltz
Rhytm of the rain - cha-cha
I want a quickstep - quickstep
Answer me - waltz
Lollipopp - twostep
Breaking up jive - jive
Four Walls - waltz
Rhytm of the rain - cha-cha
Rhytm of the rain - cha-cha
Answer me - waltz
I Want a quickstep - quickstep
Easy come easy go - rumba
Sacrifice - rumba
Breaking up jive - jive
All shook up -twostep
Lemon tree - twostep
No milk today - jive, cha-cha
Rhytm of the rain - cha-cha
Answer me - waltz
Shooting star - foxtrot
Some day soon - rumba
Easy come easy go - rumba
I Want a quickstep - quickstep
Moves like Jagger - cha-cha
Rhytm of the rain - cha-cha
Answer me - waltz
Shooting star - foxtrot
How deep is your love - foxtrot
I Want a quickstep - quickstep
Lollipopp - twostep
All shook up -twostep
Lemon tree - twostep
Four walls - waltz
Answer me - waltz
No milk today - jive, cha-cha
Moves like Jagger - cha-cha
Rhytm of the rain - cha-cha
Easy come easy go - rumba
I want a quickstep - quickstep
Lollipopp - twostep
Answer me - waltz
No milk today - jive, cha-cha
Nobody's angel - rumba
I swear - rumba
No milk today - jive, cha-cha
All shook up -twostep
Lollipopp - twostep
Answer me - waltz
Moves like Jagger - cha-cha
Some day soon - rumba
Four walls - waltz
Rhytm of the rain - cha-cha
(The old house - waltz)
No milk today - jive, cha-cha
All shook up -twostep
Lollipopp - twostep
Answer me - waltz
Lady lay down - waltz
Axel F - cha-cha
Sacrifice - rumba
No milk today - jive, cha-cha
Lemon tree - twostep
Four walls - waltz
Answer me - waltz
All shook up -twostep
Axel F - cha-cha
No milk today - jive, cha-cha
Lemon tree - twostep
Lollipopp - twostep
Easy come easy go - rumba
Nobody's angel - rumba
Lemon tree - twostep
Lollipopp - twostep
Easy come easy go - rumba
Some day soon - rumba
Africa 4 - cha-cha
Rhytm of the rain - cha-cha
Four walls - waltz
Blue heaven whistler - twostep
Lemon tree - twostep
Easy come easy go - rumba
Africa 4 - cha-cha
Four walls - waltz
Blue heaven whistler - twostep
Four walls - waltz
Rhytm of the rain - cha-cha
Blue heaven whistler - twostep
Ain't she sweet - twostep
All shook up (mod) - twostep
Rhytm of the rain - cha-cha
All I have to do is dream - cha-cha
Some day soon - rumba
Four walls - waltz
Rechel's song - slow 2st