Everyday - 2step
Hey daddy - cha-cha
Stand by me - rumba
Rachels song - slowtwostep
Ginny come lately - slowtwostep
I can't wait - cha-cha
Tango Mannita - tango
Just a tango - tango
Everyday - 2step
Hey daddy - cha-cha
Stand by me - rumba
He'll have to go - waltz
I can see clearly now - cha-cha
Rachels song - slowtwostep
Ginny come lately - slowtwostep
I can't wait - cha-cha
NETANČÍME kvůli Chamu
Everyday - 2step
Hey daddy - cha-cha
Stand by me - rumba
Sukiaki - 2step
Sofia - cha-cha
He'll have to go - waltz
Rachels Song
- Tripple traveler
Ginny come lately
- Traveling Cross Chasse
Sofia - cha-cha
Dizzy - cha-cha
Could I have this dance - waltz
Rachels song - slowtwostep
102 - cha-cha
Save the last dance for me - 2step
I keep putting off getting over you - 2step
Could I have this dance - waltz
Human Nature - 2step
Perhaps - rumba
Sofia - cha-cha
Mi Vida - rumba
102 - cha-cha
Save the last dance for me - 2step
- vine 3; wrap; unwrap; chg sds;
- L trn 2s Box;;;;
- back hitch; scissors thru;
- traveling box;;;;
Sukiaki - 2step
- whaletail;;
- vine 4; pivot 2 to PU;
-charge trn;
Carolina moon - waltz
102 - cha-cha
Listen to the music - cha-cha
Just a tango - tango
Tango Manitta - tango
Fascination waltz - waltz
Here comes summer - twostep
Lollipop - twostep
Calendar girl - jive
Fascination - waltz
Sofia - cha-cha
Tango Manita - tango
Stand by me - rumba
Mi Vida - rumba
Fascination - waltz
Sofia - cha-cha
Tango Manita - tango
My first tango - tango
Stand by me - rumba
Mi Vida - rumba
Here comes summer - twostep
Fascination - waltz
Sofia - cha-cha
Tango Manita
My First Tango
Just a Tango : 5step
My first tango
- vienes turns
=> valčík vpravo i vlevo
Sofia - cha-cha
- basic;;
- whisk L & R;;
- botafogo ;
Tango Mannita - tango
Abraka cha - cha-cha
Calendar girl - jive
Lollipop - twostep
Abraka cha - cha-cha
Calndar girl - jive
Lemon tree - twostep
Lollipop - twostep
Louisiana Saturday night - twostep
Could I have this dance - waltz
I'll put you together again - waltz
Carolina moon - waltz
- twirl vine 3; lunge thru, rec, sd; chasse to RLOD;
lunge thru, rec, sd; chasse to BJO;
- drift apt
Abraca cha - cha-cha
Aint' she sweet - twostep
Calendar girl - jive
Stand by me - rumba
Sukiaki - twostep
Hush - twostep
Lemon tree - twostep
I'll put you together again - waltz
- weave 6;;
- whisk;
- overspinturn;
- feather;
- wing;
- thru to hinge;
Breaking up jive - jive
Calendar girl - jive
Easy come easy go - rumba
Stand by me - rumba
Could I have this dance - waltz
Abraca cha - cha-cha
Aint she sweet - 2step
All shook up - 2step
Don't be cruel - 2step
Lemon tree - 2step
Fascination waltz
Lejos de ti - tango z nalejvárny
Mas alla - rumba z nalejvárny
Here comes summer -twostep
Answer me - waltz
Ain't she sweet - twostep
Abraca cha - cha-cha
Green pepers - mambo
Fascination - waltz
Perhaps - rumba
Bahama mama - cha-cha
Everyday - twostep
Don't be cruel - twostep
Lemon tree - twostep
Mariela - cha-cha
Just a tango - tango
Lemon tree - 2step
Here comes summer - 2step
Don't be cruel - 2step
Could I have this dance - waltz
Bahama mama - cha-cha
Fascination (part A) - waltz
I'm believer - 2step
Lemon tree - 2step
Axel F - cha-cha
Bahama mama - cha-cha
Could I have this dance - waltz
Nobody's angel - rumba
Mariela - cha-cha
Axel F - cha-cha
Today - waltz
Answer me - waltz
(Rainbow connections - waltz)
I'm believer - twostep
Stand by me - rumba
Abraca cha - cha-cha
Could I have this dance - waltz
Axel F - cha-cha
Easy come easy go - rumba
Abraka cha - cha-cha
Nobody's angel - rumba
Breaking up jive - jive
Four walls - waltz
Could I have this dance - waltz
Don't be cruel - 2step
Everyday - 2step